Labor day weekend is a pretty good time to have a birthday. Sidney got to celebrate for 4 days. For her birthday party we set the tent up in the backyard, borrowed a firepit, and let them have at it. I think the girls had a lot of fun sleeping out. Sidney had a sleep over cake for her party. I think it turned out pretty cute.

Then for her birthday yesterday she wanted the Jonas sign. I was pretty worried because I am no artist. But she was totally happy and that is all that matters.

She had a great day and ended up with a whole new wardrobe. What a spoiled girl. She was thrilled. What more could a mom want then.
I think you did great with the cake. I loved your pictures of cakes on FB too. It looks like Sidney was happy. What did you end up getting her for her birthday? (I only ask, because you mentioned looking for ideas).
We ended up with clothes and dvd and jewelry. It worked.
Happy Birthday Sydney! HOpe you had a great birthday!
Sounds like a rockin birthday!
cool cake!!!! sounds like a way fun party!!!
Oh darn! I was going to attack your driveway with chalk for her birthday, but then we went out of town! Guess somebody else had the same idea!
I'm glad she had a good birthday.
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