Our first Field Trip Friday of the year. Today we traveled down to the Fremont Indian State Park, then headed back up to the west of Fillmore to Tabernacle Hill.
It was so much fun hiking around the Fremont Indian tails. We were able to see hundreds of petroglyphs. It was so fun to see so many. It was also nice to have a chance to get out in the sun and hike a little.
After we went to the state park we headed back up toward Fillmore to Tabernacle Hill. We were able to hike through fields of lava flows and we found a couple of lava tubes to hike through. The boys loved going through the caves.
Right next to Tabernacle Hill is White Mountain. It is made completely of sand. It is at the north end of mud lake, which is dry so it is just sand. It was like playing on the beach.
I am so excited to start planning our field trips for this summer.

how fun it looks way cool. It would be nice to get out in SUN!!
This looks like fun. We should plan a day and do it this summer while I am there. :)
Awesome! How do you find out about all these cool places? Seriously. I want to know. You should do a post on how to find cool Field Trip Friday ideas. :)
I love that you guys get out and see so many areas that I have never even heard of all around Utah! Hope you guys had a great time!
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